The kosher sausage collective
Do you want to buy some kosher sausage casings with me?
I ask because I do again and the quantities I need to buy them in are enormous, much more than I can use.
The hardest part it seems of making kosher sausages is sourcing the cases. Until earlier this year, Devro manufactured the only kosher sausage casings that I've ever been able to get hold of. However, they no longer make them because they cannot source the hides they need to make the collagen casings.
I've been able to track down a caddy of these casings and rather than see three quarters going to waste, I'd like to split them with other like minded cooks, who want to make sausages.
If you are interested, then reply in the comments below or email or tweet me.
A final thought, what on earth are butchers going to do when the casings finally run out? I rang four suppliers that, according to a helpful gentleman at Devro, might still have some stock. Only two still had any casings in and both of those pointed out there wasn't much stock left.
With a sausage shortage looming, the winter surely only days away, the only answer must be for us to make our own. Away to your mincers.
Only two still had any casings in and both of those pointed out there wasn't much stock left.
Posted by: survival warehouse reviews | 06 February 2013 at 07:01 AM