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27 November 2008

Silverbrow on Food one of top 10 food blogs around the World

Seriously?  No shurely, not.  It can't be.

Well, so says The Times and I'm not one to argue with The Thunderer.

I'm rather chuffed to be on The Times' website, I have to say. 

But I'm really chuffed that the article was written by Simon Majumdar, one half of Dos Hermanos.  The man knows more about his onions than a frog with a string of them around his neck.  He also knows a fair bit about blogging.  It may not be fair to describe the Evening Standard as a pudding, but it does provide some proof of my hagiography by listing him as one of the 1000 Most Influential People in London

Which is why I'm chuffed.

Whilst I'm in such a good mood with Simon, I'm going to plug his forthcoming book Eat My Globe: One Year to Go Everywhere and Eat Everything. I haven't seen it so I've no idea if it's any good and it's not out for yonks. But, read his blog and the assumption has to be that it's going to be excellent.

Check out the other blogs on the list, they're ones I read and admire.  They, unlike me, deserve to be there.


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Sort of congrats? The Dutch foodlog.nl won the intern'l BOB-award for best Dutch language blog. I'm one of the contributers, so, eh...we're chuffed too!

Well done Lizet and thanks.

Congratulations Anthony. Proves less is more.

I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.



Many thanks Joannah - apologies for the time it's taken me to respond!

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