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28 November 2008

New head chef at The Dorchester's Grill?

If my commenter 'anomm' knows what he's talking about - and I have a very strong hunch he does - then it seems that Aiden Byrne is being replaced at The Dorchester's Grill with fellow Liverpudlian, Brian Hughson.

Until recently Hughson was head chef at Rhodes W1. I haven't eaten there yet, but the reviews are positive.

I'd never heard of Hughson until 'anomm' named him. Here is quite an interesting double profile of both Byrne and Hughson and here's a video interview with Hughson and Rhodes when they won their first Michelin star earlier this year. It's a shame that Rhodes waffles on so much.

If those positive reviews are down to his cooking it seems possible that The Grill is yet again going to outshine the rest of the hotel's restaurants, which is no bad thing.


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it seems like good chefs come and go....never seem to last more than a year or two....good luck to both from the states..
happy holidays, mtw

Mike, you referring to the Grill specifically or restaurants more generally. Possibly I'd agree with the former, not sure about the latter.

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