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26 March 2008

Watch this man

There can't be that many 15 year olds who eat twice at Per Se, Thomas Keller's flagship New York restaurant, especially alone. So it shouldn't be such a surprise that Nick N, author of Foodie at Fifteen, got special treatment, including a signed French Laundry cookbook, at the end of his last meal.

I was reminded of Heston Blumenthal. It seems a meal at the age of fifteen was a seminal moment for him as well.


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Very impressed with this blog - and he makes me feel so old! I've posted him a message and linked to him so I can see how he gets on working at Lacroix. I didn't want to break the bad news about the problems that his choice of title will give him in a year's time! Thanks for the link Anthony.

Thanks so much for the write up
haha yes im not sure whats going to happen once I turn 16

Nick, pleasure.

Trig, tell me about it, it's all too easy to feel old.

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