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12 December 2007

Roladin sfuganiyot, or doughnuts to you and me

Poor web connection has resulted in me posting this after the end of Chanukah, but there is still merit in posting it, just for the food-porn aspect.

Sfuganiyot are basically doughnuts, but these ones from Roladin are at best, distant third cousins, several times removed, of the stodge available at Krispy Kreme.

Mine was stuffed with dulce de leche, Silverbrowess' had strawberry jam. Both were very good, oddly, mine was lighter and fluffier, perhaps its was fresher. Also - and this might be sacrilege - I preferred this dulce de leche to some of the over-sweetened stuff we had in South America.


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Oh my... Porny indeed. And I like my doughnuts genetically as far away from the travesty that is Krispy Kreme as possible! The idea of dulce du leche in the centre of a doughnut sounds so sinful I feel violated just considering the possibility :o)

Filthy, I know.

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