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13 June 2007

Now for something completely different

Please excuse this brief interlude, but I defy you not to have at least one goose-bump in the next 4 minutes 9 seconds. For purists, the video has nothing to do with food, other than the fact it oozes cheese and schmaltz and is all the better for it.

Hat-tip: The Debatable Land


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You weren't the only one. When you watch the enormous effort that Jose Carreras had to put into singing well for Lenny Bernstein and then watch the ease with which this guy sang for Simon Cowell, you realise instantly that, with a bit of coaching, he could make it all the way to the top. The hairs stood up on the back of my neck when I saw this earlier in the week.

this brought tears to my eyes. it just tells you how much first impressions count and how difficult it is to overcome them. but when someone manages to do it, especially under such circumstance, it is truely impressive. wow. to see the judges faces turn with every second of the performance is just priceless...

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