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01 February 2007

New month, new design

The steely eyed amongst you will realise the forewarned changes have now been made.  For some time, I have wanted to change the look of the site and with the help of a friend (ta, Dan), I was put in touch with Julian Knight, a fantastic photographer and designer who came up with the banner above.  A quick nod of appreciation as well to Matt of Abstract Gourmet who provided some invaluable assistance on how to make the new design work.

Apart from altering the look of the site, I have kept things much as they were, but tidied up a bit.  I have reduced my blogroll on the left significantly.  I realised that over the years, there are lots of blogs I felt I had to link to, which I did, but I simply never bothered to read what was written.  So I have now changed that.  The blogs listed are the blogs I find enjoyable and informative and I am keen to promote.

I have tweaked some of the navigation on the right, especially under the new heading Stay in Touch.  You can email me, Skype me, subscribe to my RSS feed and listen to my podcasts all from that one little area.

For those of you who read SoF in a RSS reader, my apologies if you have been deluged with all my posts.  Unfortunately, the redesign required me to rebuild the site, which meant republishing everything I have written.  Hopefully it won't happen again but bear with me if it does.

I would be really keen to hear all your feedback on the new layout, colour scheme and navigation.  I would also be happy to hear any suggestions for how I can improve things further.


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Hi Anthony,

Nice work on the new design, all looks good, thanks for the kudos, it was my pleasure to help... we can't have wonky CSS files ruining otherwise great looking websites now can we :)

Might have to keep my eye on what you're up to.


If only I could claim my CSS wasn't wonky. However, it is true that with your help it is far less wonky than it might have been.

A big thumbs up for the new look! It's eye-catching but still a nice clean design. All the best for a great year under the new banner.

Many thanks. Got to say, I'm really enjoying it.

Ant, love the new design, but what exactly is in those shot glasses that adorn the left side of the banner. Just butter...or something more tasty?

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