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16 October 2006

Ideas in Food podcast

Tonight I went international and interviewed Aki Kamozawa and Alexander Talbot of the blog Ideas in Food, as previously touted.

I have followed their blog for some time and cannot fathom why they haven't got wider recognition.  I cannot claim to be a great predictor of any trends, let alone food trends, but I would wager these two are going to be big names very soon.  They deserve all the recognition they get, from the ideas on their blog alone.

Listen to the podcast to hear how the husband and wife team get their Ideas in Food, the benefits (and problems) they face being in the boondocks and the latest on their plans to venture forth on their own.  Also, get heads up on which of their notebooks they would like to publish as a cookbook.

Please excuse the slight technical hitch and colourful language at the beginning of the podcast. Alex was getting used to the technology and I was trying to figure out the time delay caused by the long-distance call.  My lack of technological know-how and equipment meant I was unable to edit the podcast in quite the way I would have liked.  As for the dodgy heavy breathing, that was all mine.  I have no idea why I sound like a member of the dirty mac brigade.

If you want to download the podcast you can with iTunes. Alternatively, you can access the soundfile by clicking on the podcast button.


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I've also often wondered why these guys aren't "A-list" bloggers - their recipes and photos are superb - good call featuring them!

I couldn't agree more. I haven't tried their food but from their ideas and photos alone they deserve wider recognition. They're exceptionally friendly and generous with their time as well - as the podcast attests to.

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