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25 August 2006

Suggest questions for my Dan Lepard podcast

Dan_lepard I am very excited.  Dan Lepard, probably the UK's finest baker and a leading food photographer, has agreed to be the first interviewee of what I hope will be an occasional series of podcasts.

If you are a regular reader of Silverbrow on Food, you will know that I think very highly of Dan and I'm not the only one, as his website so bashfully points out:

'The bread supremo' Fay Maschler, The Evening Standard

'Lepard is one of London's most inspired and inspiring breed of new young bakers... a British bread champion' Michael Bateman, The Independent

'A passionate baker, dessert maker and talented pastry chef.' Nick Lander, The Financial Times

I'll be interviewing Dan on the evening of Thursday 14 September and hopefully (technology willing), I'll be posting the podcast to the site later that night.  I've got some ideas of what I want to speak to him about, obviously including his experiences as a baker, as an author of his best-selling book The Handmade Loaf, as webmaster and about his forthcoming projects.

Made_in_italy_1 One of those projects, Made in Italy, Food and Stories is the catalyst for the interview.  The book is the first serious cookbook / biography from Michelin starred Giorgio Locatelli - I'm pleased to say he's another man who's food I adore.  From what I've heard this book is a bit of a magnum opus, running to over 600 pages, it covers the full gamut of Italian cooking according to Giorgio.  Dan is responsible for all the photos.  No date has yet been confirmed for the release of the book, however Dan believes it should be early September.

Because he is such a nice bloke he has agreed to let me give you a sneak peak of the book, including some beautiful photography and stunning looking recipes.  Click here you lucky people.

Another new project he is working on and I'd like to talk to him about, is a book with the Ronseal-esque title of British Baking.  It does what it says on the tin - it will be about the history and current state of baking in the UK.

So, you know what I'm interested in, but I'm interested in what you're interested in.  I'd like suggestions, comments and ideas from you.  Either leave them in the comments section under this post, or email me.


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