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05 January 2006

Chanukah party

The New Year period is one that tends to be full of food.  Not wanting to be a killjoy, I decided I should do my bit.  With fortuitous timing, Chanukah and Christmas fell at more or less the same time, meaning we could neatly combine the two traditions of eating food and drinking alcohol and none of our friends would have to go to work the next day.


With the day off work, I was able to focus on the food, whilst Silverbrowess saved the world from evil in the office.  I remember from school reports my teachers regularly made comments along the lines of "Silverbrow must try harder..." or "...he has a tendency to show off...".  With these barbs in mind I decided to show off a lot, but try harder doing so.

I'm a big fan of simple food done well, so I'm a big fan of properly cooked potato skins, or crudites and great dips.  I also needed something fried, it was Chanukah afterall.  Apart from these stand-bys I knew I needed some top notch dips, something fried and one or two largish and filling dishes that could be easily eaten standing up, or falling down, with a drink in hand.  With these parameters in mind I started browsing through three of my favourite cook books:  The Kitchen Diaries, The Cook's Book and Elizabeth David's unequalled French Provincial Cooking.

Our menu consisted of


Smoked paprika mayonnaise

Crème fraîche with dill

Potato skins

Stilton, onion and potato pie (recipe here)

Kipper patties (recipe here)

Tapenade (recipe here)

Tomato chilli jam (recipe here)

Homemade Baileys ice cream

Homemade chocolate ice cream

Krispy Kremes

Not a bad fress-up if I say so myself.


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